By Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
On Monday, Year 3 were invited to learn from an expert in their field, when they spent the morning learning different ways to join materials with our Head of Design Technology, Mrs Redfern. To support our investigation into how buildings and structures are designed, Mrs Redfern modelled several different ways of joining materials: from sticking with glue sticks, hot glue guns and double sided cellotape, to creating tabs, braces, folds, slots, split pins and ties.
The girls were completely transfixed and eager to try out these new skills and spent the rest of morning trying out their chosen joins. We will further use these skills, when we complete our end of unit grasp task, whereby the girls will be given a task to show their understanding of their three lines of inquiry; how different factors influence the construction of buildings and structures; materials that used by different cultures to construct and how building materials have changed over time.
We are excited to see what they design and build and are so grateful to have used the expertise of Mrs Redfern.