By Miss Alarcon (Year 3 Teacher)
On Wednesday 10th May and Thursday 11th May, the Year 3 girls were gifted with the presence of our beloved Mrs. Hudson-Findley, the Director for Digital Learning Enterprise & Sustainability, who inspired us all on the principles of design and taught us how to use the Adobe Express App to create our own digital logos.
With her magical touch, Mrs Hudson-Findley turned the normal Year 3 classroom into a design studio named ‘Star Designers’, every girl became designers that worked for a client company ‘Planet Plus’ that was hoping to have their own logo that would feature their passion for environmental protection and recycling.
From learning about the principles of design, how to give and receive constructive feedback, how to improve their own designs based on the feedback they have received to voting for a design that could be presented to their client, the girls had a real glimpse of how real designers work in studios.
The room was buzzing with the excitement of aspiring digital designers who enthusiastically embraced the golden opportunity to combine their passion for creative designs with the latest technology. Once again, our girls showed how they are competent learners who possess incredible transferable skills that make them thrive in their learning. Their phenomenal ability to collaborate harmoniously with different children and communicate confidently to explain their design ideas, the grace and appreciation that they show each other whilst providing feedback and their eagerness to excel in every single task signify the success of the education they receive at BGS.
View the creative logo designs here.
View photos from the lesson here.