Poems of Remembrance
Junior School

By Mrs Button (Year 6 Teacher)

This week, Year 6 have been writing poetry about WW1 during their English lessons - considering in particular what life was like for the soldiers. Recently, we have been looking at figurative language in poetry and analysed a whole range of different kinds of poems to recognise these kinds of devices.

Now the girls are in the process of applying them and considering how to use them effectively to build a picture in the readers’ mind. The girls have found images of WW1 scenes to help build up their ideas and then worked on putting these together in verses. Currently, we are in the midst of editing and improving them, but here are some snippets:


“There I was hiding, hiding, hiding in the trenches

The ground grumbled as if it was hungry

Men crouched like old beggars

Then climbed out of the trenches, solid hats skewed.”

-by Aarna (6B)


“Shivering soldiers were shocked as the bombs soared closer.

The mad dust polluted the air as

a sea of dead bodies littered the ground.”

By Evelyn (6C)


“Whilst others followed their paths,

Where windmills waved and horses flicked their manes,

Men prepare for a dreadful day.”

-by Lia (6H)



“Resting my weary head

The silence…

Only the peaceful song of the birds

Suddenly fled…

To the outskirts of town

Now erupted…

Into millions of bangs and clashes.”

-Gabi 6I


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