Inspired by Shackleton
Junior School

By Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)

This term, Year 5 are investigating the world of exploration and discovery through their Unit of Inquiry for Where We Are in Place and Time. Through their English work on the book Shackleton’s Journey, they have been inspired by the work of George Marston, Shackleton’s official artist aboard the Endurance during his famous Antarctic expedition. 

As part of their Inquiry lessons, they have been learning about perspective drawing of different scenes as well as exploring a variety of paints and colour mixing. By looking at Marston’s use of art to capture the vast, icy landscapes of the Antarctic, and record the landscapes seen on this exploration, they have been able to practise and hone their own techniques of adding depth, texture and interest to their own paintings.

This artistic journey is building up to a final piece, when each pupil will create artwork based on an explorer they are personally interested in. They will use the skills they have developed to portray the landscapes and sights that their chosen explorers might have encountered. 

It has been wonderful to see the imagination and creativity of the paintings, through this collaboration of our work in English and Inquiry. We are looking forward to seeing the finished final pieces next week. 

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Inspired by Shackleton