Miss Djukic (Chemistry Teacher)
In Year 6, as part of the transition process to the Senior School, girls study the three sciences as separate disciplines in the Senior School laboratories. This gives them the opportunity to use equipment that they have never used before, develop their knowledge and learn even more life skills.
This term the budding scientists are investigating Forensic Science. Last Friday, the girls learned how to use microscopes. During the lesson, they had to prepare a slide with a newspaper letter on it, and then focus the microscope using different magnifications to see the letters in more and more detail. This is a very tricky skill, as it involves using fiddly equipment and a careful manoeuvring of the focusing wheel. The results were brilliant!
Over the next few lessons, the girls will be having to put their new found skills into action as they analyse fibres, fingerprints and blood taken from a murder scene to see who was the murderer of Dr Dougal McBrain, a scientist was working on a secret formula for enhancing intelligence.
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