Beyond Words
Junior School

Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

This half term Year 3 have been investigating how they can express ideas and experiences in different forms.

At the beginning of term, the girls were introduced to two storytelling days, helping them consider how communication can transcend language barriers in non-verbal and verbal forms. We looked at cultural influences and generational messages, as well as how communication delivers understanding of number, the world around us and our emotions.

The girls then found links to our previous areas of study, where they have thought about their own identity, what they thought had been communicated to them, how and why people are important in the past.  They then used their  ideas in a self-directed project, where they chose to as a pair, group or individually to communicate an important message that they felt should be passed on to future generations. They showed deep passion for topical issues and key historical events and spent time both in school and at home working independently to prepare their final pieces of work; presenting their messages in a chosen non-verbal form.

It was astounding to see the self-initiated learning, and we were extremely proud of the level to which each of the girls made connections with the concepts to help inform their work.  

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Beyond Words