Performance poetry
Junior School

This morning, saw all the girls in Year 5 put on a class performance of a poem from T. S Eliot’s collection of Cat Poems to the Year 3 classes. Each Year 5 class were asked to direct and perform the poem themselves, whilst incorporating the skills and advice given to them during the Drama workshop delivered by Mrs Redford (Head of Speech and Drama), last week. Costumes, sound effects and props also had to be agreed and made. Expressive ‘cat like’ movements, clear confident voices and interesting facial expressions were all commented on by their intrigued and entertained audience of Year 3s.

Mrs Thomas, Year 5 teacher, said: “It has been really encouraging to watch the girls come together as a team to plan and deliver their poem. They have each had to step out of their ‘comfort zones’ and have all developed their confidence when speaking and performing in front of an audience- key skills that they can continue to build upon and utilise throughout their learning.”

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Performance poetry