Speak out Stay safe
Junior School

Mrs Howe (Head of Junior School)

This week, the NSPCC have visited the Junior School for an assembly and have been working with Years 5 and 6 pupils in workshops as part of their Speak out Stay safe Programme. This is a nationwide programme for every primary-school-aged child in the UK and encompasses an assembly and follow up workshops for older pupils.

During the assembly, the girls were tasked with thinking about a ‘Sack of Worries’ and to think of the types of things that would make a child feel sad, worried or unsafe. For every worry, a plastic brick was placed in the sack. The girls then had to think about which trusted adults children could talk to and for every adult mentioned, a brick was removed from the sack, helping them to understand that speaking out can stop children feeling weighed down by their worries.

Ruby, Bana and Mathilda (Year 6) enjoyed the workshops, they said: “We got to talk about what to do if we ever have a problem and need to speak to someone’. 

Ruby added: “I didn’t know about Childline but I think it’s a really great idea and I want to support the work they do”.

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Speak out Stay safe