Miss Coote (Year 3 Teacher)
This Monday saw the launch of our Junior School Reverse Advent Collection. Organised by the Form Heads and Student Voice representatives, this staggered collection of food and toiletries will be donated to the Kings Arms Project, a local charity that supports the homeless.
Every class has been given a box to collect their donations in, and the Form Heads and Student Voice representatives have been tireless in their efforts to promote the collection and in organising who should bring what items. Please check the posters and displays around the Junior School, or speak with your reps if you have any questions. You can also email [email protected].
The deadline for donating is on the 9th December and on that day, I will be awarding certificates and a small prize to the class who have the most collections. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, I know the Kings Arms Project will be so appreciative.