Mrs McPhail (Geography Teacher)
Tuesday afternoon was a momentous day for the Geography department as we embarked on our first field trip since the first lock down began in March 2020. All the Lower Sixth A Level students remarked on how good it was to be out together and gathering data was enjoyable. In our class ‘bubble’ the students spent the whole afternoon walking a set route through Bedford from the school site to Queen’s Park and back. This is a trip we do every year to look at changes that are taking place and to observe at first hand the different areas of the town that make up Bedford’s unique identity. This year considerable changes were taking place including the High Street road works, new paving areas around the Faces and the ominous signs of retail units closed or closing.
At 12 different sites, the students observed people and peoples use of space, completed Environmental Quality surveys and used a GIS app on their phones to complete a survey that we had pre-planned. Capturing data in ‘real time’ is fantastic and allows Geographers to analyse and present data using complex skills. The information gathered provides key material for the Changing Places unit in the Human Geography paper and is vital preparation for the NEAs (Non – Examined Assessment – coursework) that the students will complete independently this year.
The value of outdoor education has never been more important and this is we hope the first of many Geography fieldtrips planned for all Year groups in the coming weeks and months.