LineByLine Poem
Senior School Community

Created by talented writer, Karissa Singh (Upper Sixth), the LineByLine poetry project was launched in February to staff, Senior School and Sixth Form students, to add a to add a little creative spark during lockdown life.

Called The Voices of the Pandemic, the poem gave a chance to the community to express their feelings during lockdown. Karissa reflected about the project: “I started LineByLine as a project aimed at uniting the school in a creative way that would be a legacy to the time endured during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021. Poetry is such a powerful way of expressing emotions and bringing people together; I felt that it would be the perfect medium to translate the feelings and experiences of the BGS community into a long-lasting reminder of life during COVID-19.

“I wrote the commencing line to which any senior pupil or member of staff could add their own line until a complete poem, centred around the lockdown period, was formed. It was wonderful to see so many people - both students and staff - take part, and I would like to thank all those who contributed to the poem and made LineByLine possible.”

Read The Voices of the Pandemic HERE.

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LineByLine Poem