Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
Our Year 5 classrooms have been bubbling with excitement this week as we prepare board games for friends to play as part of our end of unit assessment. Linking to areas of the girls’ learning and their own interests in our inquiry work, the girls have worked in small groups to create imaginative, interactive games to share their knowledge and understanding about space, space travel and technology.
Each group has chosen their own theme for the game; designed the game itself and its components as well as writing the rules for others to follow. The games vary from A Race to Space to Who wants to be an Astronaire?
It has been wonderful to see the girls’ creativity and enthusiasm about their learning as well as the way they have been able to independently organise themselves and work within their groups. The year group also enjoyed their Games afternoon today, celebrating the end of their first half term in Year 5 with the new friends they have made.
Reflections from the girls:
Amelia-Rose (5F): “I’ve enjoyed making our game, we made a mistake but reflected and tried again, I have learnt a lot about the universe by creating our questions and answers. I am also looking forward to seeing the other games in Year 5!”
Merrin (5VF): “It was really interesting and fun to make a game and make new friends. When we play each other’s games, we will learn much more about space”.
Izzy (5PW): “I was so excited when we found out that we were making a game and I am looking forward to playing other people’s games! We have made figures to move around our board. We have Ptolemy, Galileo, Copernicus and Aristotle as we decided to focus on different perspectives!”
Jessica (5W): “I enjoyed how we all worked together to create our game - sometimes we disagreed so we had to adapt it a bit. I had great fun making it and I can’t wait to play other people’s games!”