Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
The Junior School Eco club had great success at our Christmas Fayre on Saturday raising funds for their club by selling items they had made. Every week this half term, they have been joined by Mrs Schofield's (Head of Year 4) Arts and Crafts club to make Christmas decorations using recycled and up-cycling materials donated by girls and staff. Mrs Woodhouse’s (Year 5 Teacher) origami club also joined the festive fun by making present bows from old magazines and off-cuts of Christmas wrapping paper.
The decorations comprised woollen bobble hat tree ornaments; clay hedgehogs made from teasels and pine cone creatures with a woodland and Christmas theme. The decorations sold-out and we were thrilled with the money raised that will enable us to buy items such as bird seed for the garden and seeds to plant out.
It was wonderful for the clubs to be able to join together in such a positive way to raise awareness and funds for this cause. The girls all worked very hard and should be proud of their efforts and success. Thank you to everyone who supported us on the day.