Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
As a finale to our Unit of Inquiry into The Past has an Impact on the Present, Year 3 were invited to dress up as a person of significance from a chosen period in history.
The girls have so far been investigating ways in which people are remembered and reasons why they might be remembered. We looked at the main periods of history, identifying which periods they thought have had the most impact on today.
In line with our philosophy that children take responsibility for their learning and are able to explain in greater depth the reasons for the choices that they make, the girls presented their findings to their Year 3 peers, justifying why and how their chosen person should be remembered.
As part of their inquiry, they needed to plan and assemble their own costume and props so that they were able to describe and justify their choices. We talked at length with the girls about sustainability and environment to ensure the costumes were a representation of their person and not a ready-made replica dressing up outfit. It also showed their understanding of the period of time their significant person was living.
The projects were awesome and it was a great finish to a very busy end of term!
Have a look at their costumes here.