Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
Photo - Ilaria and Sophie (Year 4)
This first half term In Year 4, we have been focusing on developing the IB Learner Profile Attribute of being Caring, including building our Kindness Quilt and sharing stories about how and who we have helped in the school day.
During our Year Group Assembly, we were excited to learn how two of our Year 4s, Sophie Morris and Ilaria Mantini in 4B, have been exemplifying the message of being internationally minded and caring to others, by taking action to help people from Ukraine. Sophie explained how for a year now, she has been carefully sewing sunflower seeds then once grown, selling plants on a flower barrow out the front of her house and donating all money raised to charity.
This year, saddened by the stories emerging from Ukraine, Sophie started her fundraising to help those displaced and affected by the war in Ukraine. Being the national flower of Ukraine, Sophie planted 100 sunflower seeds and sold each pot for £1. Sophie raised £146 which was gratefully received by the British-Ukrainian Aid.
Equally inspired to help, Ilaria shared how she and her family have hosted Olena, who is from just outside Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine. After settling in with the family in July, Olena immediately started working in Bedford and has been able to add English to her list of languages she can speak! Olena has cooked foods from her home for the family, including Borsch (a Beetroot Stew). Ilaria said her favourite thing to do with Olena is walk their dog Rolo. Ilaria’s mum also shared that there are in fact five families hosting Ukrainian refugees in their village, and they often get together to celebrate events such as Ukrainian Independence Day.
Our Year 4 girls and staff are truly inspired by Sophie and Ilaria and their families, and feel motivated to continue being kind and caring to everyone.