By Miss Kidd (Senior LRC Assistant)
Over the last few weeks the LEC has been hosting a Design a Book Cover competition, inspired by Instagram artist Lucy Morrow (Captured by the Fuzz). Lucy captures famous album covers, adverts and films using only vintage fuzzy felts.
Lucy’s work influenced the LRC to host a series of lunchtime art sessions at both the Junior and Senior School library. The students were provided with felt and encouraged to let their imagination run wild. The results were incredible and have allowed us to decorate the Junior School library with an assortment of book inspired, fuzzy, creations.
Well done to the following students whose work was given a small prize in recognition of their efforts. You can view the creative designs here.
Junior School winners were as follows: Year 3 – Kitty Parsons, Year 4 – Sophie Morris, Year 5 – Tiana Natsa, Year 6 – Eva Jackson; with a special mention to Year 4 pupil Bea Holloway-Hayes whose Non-Fiction book cover was outstanding. Elise Rance Slater in Year 8 was our Senior School winner.