By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
On Wednesday morning, Year 6 walked to Bedford Prep School for our first activity morning of the year. Our termly activity mornings are a great opportunity for us to join together with the Year 6 boys to develop our problem solving and team building skills.
This term visit focused on team building and making friends. We were set a number of Taskmaster style challenges to complete in our teams. The first challenge was to find as many ducks as we could around the prep school playground. Some were easy to find but some were decidedly tricky. I don’t think any of us found all 86! Our dancing skills were put to the test as we had to create a dance that included a number of random moves. Sounds ok - until you have to perform the dance and it has to be a specific number of seconds long – a number we chose randomly.
200 words is not many when you have to write a story as a team that includes a large number of objects that we had selected at random. We ended up with aliens eating soup and teachers turning into all sorts of things!
Jaya (Year 6) said: “I enjoyed writing the stories in our teams as we came up with lots of creative and funny ideas.”
Gabi (Year 6) reflected: “It was fun getting to work with people that we don’t normally work with.”
Liliana (Year 6) added: “I liked how we got to collaborate with the boys – I loved searching for the ducks! We even found one on top of the bin!”