Seasonal Science Adventure
Junior School

By Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

This Monday, Year 3 embarked on a nature walk in the grounds of the Junior School, exploring the scientific inquiry process with a primary focus on observation. Armed with iPads, the girls recorded the impact of seasons on the natural world, especially during the Winter season, as a consequence of the relationship between the Earth and the sun.

Our budding scientists meticulously recorded changes in flora and fauna, weather patterns, and daylight duration. The aim was to unravel the mysteries of how the Earth and sun's relationship orchestrates the transition of seasons. This activity not only enhanced their technological skills but also fostered a deeper understanding of the scientific method.

Following the nature walk, the girls collaboratively formulated a set of criteria to showcase their newfound comprehension of the seasonal cycle. This serves as a springboard for our next exploration, where we will delve into how the natural world acts as a catalyst for creativity and enjoyment.

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Seasonal Science Adventure