By Mrs Howard (Year 6 Teacher)
Throughout this year, Mrs Inkson, with my support, has kept the Garden Club very busy in our newly refurbished area of the Junior School grounds.
The girls have developed their gardening skills and knowledge of caring for the environment enormously. We used the lovely shed to start off our baby seedlings, ready for planting in the new beds. Once the seedlings began sprouting, they were very carefully planted. Since then, the girls have responsibly tended to and watered them each week.
We were quickly able to see the progress of this care and attention as the beds are now bursting into life! They are filled with rainbow chard, carrots, tomatoes, courgettes, sunflowers, leeks, radishes, parsley, spinach, and nasturtiums. It is still early days, but when they are ready, we look forward to sharing our harvest with the school kitchen, where the vegetables can be enjoyed on plates at lunchtime by the wider BGS community. Well done, Garden Club!