Into the Unknown
Junior School

Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)

On Monday, Year 4 started their new Unit of Enquiry, Into the Unknown, with a mysterious package being delivered to their classrooms!

Inside each box was a block of solid ice containing a letter encased in plastic. The girls had to use their problem solving skills and think of different ways to speed up the melting process of the ice so they could read the message.

Initially they placed their hands on it, but quickly realised this was not a solution to the problem. They then decided to try hot water, pouring it over the ice block and placing it next to the hot radiator.

After a few hours, the ice had melted and inside they found a letter inviting them to become explorers. The girls will use their research and teamwork skills throughout the term to find out about the Antarctic and famous adventurers.

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Into the Unknown